Venizelos: Troika’s return in Athens is a technical issue
Venizelos: Troika’s return in Athens is a technical issue
“There should be no distance between us,” deputy Prime Minister Venizelos said after meeting with Prime Minister Samaras

The issue of shipyards was the focus of the meeting between Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos and Minister of National Defence and Development Dimitris Avramopoulos and Kostis Hatzidakis respectively.
Referring to the issue of shipyards, Venizelos said that the epilogue of his speech in the parliamentary debate is the frame along which the government is moving. On the negotiations with the troika and when it will return to Athens, he said it is a technical issue. "We are showing tremendous achievements that should lead to the recognition of the sacrifices of the Greek people and initiate our definitive exit from the crisis. We should not have any distance between us."
Earlier in the morning Prime Minister Antonis Samaras had been a meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.
Referring to the issue of shipyards, Venizelos said that the epilogue of his speech in the parliamentary debate is the frame along which the government is moving. On the negotiations with the troika and when it will return to Athens, he said it is a technical issue. "We are showing tremendous achievements that should lead to the recognition of the sacrifices of the Greek people and initiate our definitive exit from the crisis. We should not have any distance between us."
Earlier in the morning Prime Minister Antonis Samaras had been a meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.
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