Samaras: We do not shut down ERT – We restore public information
Samaras: We do not shut down ERT – We restore public information
Speaking at an ACCI event at the Athens Concert Hall earlier tonight Prime Minister Samaras described ERT as a symbol of obscurity and wastage

Speaking at an ACCI event at the Athens Concert Hall earlier tonight Prime Minister Samaras described ERT as a symbol of obscurity and wastage.
He argued that the government is not closing down the public television but creates a truly public television noting that "the new broadcaster will be given to the Greeks as soon as possible."
He referred to the consolidation efforts carried out in a milder manner, as he said, but "all failed" because the benefits were so institutionalized that any change would have been practically impossible.
The PM attacked "the trade union", which he said has imposed silence in the media noting that the "last few months there was no case where an important foreigner would come to Greece to support our efforts and not fall upon a "random" ERT strike. They were on strike whenever something important and optimistic was taking place."
As he pointed out, now that the sinful ERT is closed the hypocrisy that brought Greece to this point is erupting. "We have nothing against the employees. I am referring to the circuits that were draining ERT and now do not want to lose their privileges. All employees will be compensated in the most generous way."
"What you saw these past few days are the last spasms of a regime of privileges," Samaras added.
Then he focused on the government's efforts to address the economic crisis saying "we are slowly coming out of this mess."
"Today’s Greece of entrepreneurship and extroversion was for many years in a state of stupor and persecution," the Greek Prime Minister said towards the end of his speech.
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