Samaras: Nobody bets on «Grexit»
Samaras: Nobody bets on «Grexit»
Speaking at the Economist conference and one day after his formal announcement, with which he sealed the deal with troika,

Speaking at the Economist conference and one day after his formal announcement, with which he sealed the deal with troika, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras tried to paint a picture of stabilization for the Greek economy and of restoration of Greece's credibility abroad.
Rejecting the doomsday scenarios, he said that while a few months ago many predicted the utter destruction of the euro and anticipated Greece’s exit from the single currency, "today, Greece remains in the euro and the situation stabilizes. Nobody bets on the so-called Grexit anymore."
"Greece is now shielded, catching its targets, moves closer to a primary surplus, has achieved reforms that had not been for decades, while our banking system is being recapitalized," the prime minister added in the beginning of his speech at the conference.
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