630 mil manifestantes se presentaron por todo Israel. Al rededor de 200 a 300 mil en Tel Aviv.
— Augusto Damián (@Gato_a_obscuras) March 26, 2023
Cada vez es mayor el descontento con Netanyahu. pic.twitter.com/jHVkea5yhV
🇮🇱 Tel Aviv'de Netanyahu ve Aşırıcı koalisyonun İsrail demokrasini hiçe sayan Yargı Reformu'na karşı gösteriler, 10. haftasında onbinlerce İsraillinin katılımıyla devam ediyor.
— Egemen Medya (@egemen_media) March 26, 2023
Yedek askerlerin istifası 10 bine ulaştı. Ordu içinde huzursuzluk katlanarak devam ediyor.. pic.twitter.com/OiHMf4QgM7
When I happened to witness the historic protests in Israel against the Netanyahu government's decision to 'reform' the judiciary, it made me think about what's happening in my country, India. Let me first share with you what I saw in Tel Aviv. 👇🏾
— ashish dikshit (@DikshitAshish) March 26, 2023
(1/10) pic.twitter.com/CENVnmuTXi
⚡️ 🇮🇱 Al menos 200 mil manifestantes se concentraron en Tel Aviv .
— Augusto Damián (@Gato_a_obscuras) March 26, 2023
Los participantes de la manifestación se oponen a la reforma judicial, que limita significativamente los poderes de los tribunales.
Fuente : DEL EVENTO pic.twitter.com/jQMWkw3vD3
🇮🇱 — NEWS-PHOTOS: Organizers of the anti-overhaul protests claim some 630,000 people took part in nationwide rallies this evening, including nearly 300,000 at the main demonstration in Tel Aviv. Over 44 protesters arrested. pic.twitter.com/ZOkQ0OHfrC
— Belaaz News (@TheBelaaz) March 26, 2023