They executed him in the middle of the street to grab his bag!

They executed him in the middle of the street to grab his bag!

A pharmacist was executed in the middle of the street for just a bag! A wild scene, which captured in the most gruesome way...

They executed him in the middle of the street to grab his bag!
A pharmacist was executed in the middle of the street for just a bag! A wild scene, which captured in the most gruesome way the image of crime sweeping every corner of the country, took place fifteen minutes after 3 in the afternoon in Rentis.

Specifically, two ruthless robbers attacked a 52-year-old pharmacists at the junction of Pantelis Nicolaides and Pericleous, shot him in cold blood and after killing him, grabbed the bag he was holding.

According to eye witnesses, one of the two thugs raised his gun and carried out the execution of the poor citizen, who was the owner of a pharmacy near the spot, after he refused to give them the bag he was holding.

The second offender’s accomplice waited a few yards away in a yellow car, in which they escaped.

Police sounded alarms, but despite the fact that strong police forces rushed to the scene and combed the region, the killers remained hidden.

According to reports, the unlucky pharmacist lived in Kallipoli, while a month ago some strangers also attempted to rob him.

The tragic irony is that the murder of the 52-year-old happened exactly at the same spot where a year ago, two police officers were shot down by thugs.

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