70.000 Greeks have “set sail” for the States in new immigration wave
70.000 Greeks have “set sail” for the States in new immigration wave
A new immigration wave has begun for Greeks wishing to leave the homeland and seek out a job, and to be exact any job, in the Unites States.

A new immigration wave has begun for Greeks wishing to leave the homeland and seek out a job, and to be exact any job, in the Unites States. Historically, this is considered to be the third immigration “infusion” from Greece to America, with most immigrants still wishing to live
the dream of the land of opportunity - as America is known; not
realizing, however, that things are pretty rough even there at the moment from a
financial point of view.
According to statistics, more than 70,000 Greeks have already moved legally to the US. These people know exactly what they want and they are all after it and as a matter of fact, they are quite diverse as a crowd. What all of them do have under their belts is a university degree, with some of them having obtained an MA, a PhD or even both. Nevertheless, they all start from low-level jobs in order to get to know the new society and develop relationships with people around them.
It has been reported that most of the Greek immigrants change their attitude towards their own lives and future and see things in a more positive way from the very first days of their big move .
When Greeks moved abroad in the 19th and 20th centuries, they were simply looking for a better life with the sole dream of returning home and investing their small fortunes in a local business. However, the new generation of immigrants are university graduates who know what they want to lead their lives to and have a negative attitude when it comes to the “holy Greek soil”, feeling abandoned and negated by the state officials who did nothing to safeguard their future and keep them in their country as Greece’s workforce.
Many of the “Indignants” had left Greece in the beginning of the new millennium, made enough money so as to establish their own businesses, returned home to invest it, realized how the Greek “machine” is oiled and returned to the States only to realise that from now on, this is home.
A young Greek immigrant said, “I love Greece…I pay my kid’s school to teach him the language. I love my country and would like my family to remain Greek, but I do feel angry. I am infuriated with the rulers of Greece, all of them, no matter which party they represent. They have all deceived us!”.
Another Greek in his early forties admits that “I was disappointed and left. I lost a lot of money. They fooled me when I invested in the stock market. Now, here, I make good money and today I owe nothing to no one. This country -America - has given me the chance to start from scratch and make money again. However, the situation back hometo a great extent is our fault, too, because we kept electing the wrong men to the wrong posts".
Finally, most of the newcomers to the US are asking for more help from the well-organized Greek community over there and the local Greek Church authorities…
According to statistics, more than 70,000 Greeks have already moved legally to the US. These people know exactly what they want and they are all after it and as a matter of fact, they are quite diverse as a crowd. What all of them do have under their belts is a university degree, with some of them having obtained an MA, a PhD or even both. Nevertheless, they all start from low-level jobs in order to get to know the new society and develop relationships with people around them.
It has been reported that most of the Greek immigrants change their attitude towards their own lives and future and see things in a more positive way from the very first days of their big move .
When Greeks moved abroad in the 19th and 20th centuries, they were simply looking for a better life with the sole dream of returning home and investing their small fortunes in a local business. However, the new generation of immigrants are university graduates who know what they want to lead their lives to and have a negative attitude when it comes to the “holy Greek soil”, feeling abandoned and negated by the state officials who did nothing to safeguard their future and keep them in their country as Greece’s workforce.
Many of the “Indignants” had left Greece in the beginning of the new millennium, made enough money so as to establish their own businesses, returned home to invest it, realized how the Greek “machine” is oiled and returned to the States only to realise that from now on, this is home.
A young Greek immigrant said, “I love Greece…I pay my kid’s school to teach him the language. I love my country and would like my family to remain Greek, but I do feel angry. I am infuriated with the rulers of Greece, all of them, no matter which party they represent. They have all deceived us!”.
Another Greek in his early forties admits that “I was disappointed and left. I lost a lot of money. They fooled me when I invested in the stock market. Now, here, I make good money and today I owe nothing to no one. This country -America - has given me the chance to start from scratch and make money again. However, the situation back hometo a great extent is our fault, too, because we kept electing the wrong men to the wrong posts".
Finally, most of the newcomers to the US are asking for more help from the well-organized Greek community over there and the local Greek Church authorities…
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