Greek Air Force plane transfers transplant organs

Greek Air Force plane transfers transplant organs

After a directive by the Minister of Defence

Greek Air Force plane transfers transplant organs
Accompanied by a team of doctors, Embraer EMB-135LR of the Air Force which flew from the airbase of Eleusis landed at Thessaloniki, transporting organs for transplant.

According to reports, the vessel was carrying liver, kidneys and heart of a wounded who expired at the hospital of Rio. The live will be transplanted to a 62 year-old in Thessaloniki while the rest of the organs were made available to the National Transplant Organisation.

The command to airlift was given by the Minister of National Defence, Dimitris Avramopoulos, upon request of the Emergency ambulance services, in cooperation with the ECM. The cost of the flight was covered by the emergency services.
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