"Stability or misadventure", is the dilemma set by the government
"Stability or misadventure", is the dilemma set by the government
Battle of dilemmas and statements until European elections
The dilemma "SYRIZA or Merkel" that the former puts forth for the May 25th elections is answered by Maximou in its own way "Samaras or Tsipras", or complementing that, "stability and growth, or SYRIZA".
The battle will be judged on a communicational field more than anything and taking advantage of each others' mistakes since the "ammunition" of both have long ago run out. Maximou has pretty much secured but discharged the "ammo" of the positive fiscal goings-on since January in an attempt to keep the poll difference short and to cover the Baltakos case. SYRIZA, after confusion and vacillations reached its main slogan again "no sacrifice for the euro", which is a changed 2012 motto "the euro is not a fetish". In an attempt to cover its own tail from the Sabiha MEP candidate case, they once more recruited historical member Manolis Glezos to dispel impressions that the ethno-nihilistic wing has not won over the party just yet.
The government team has already unleashed its attack claiming that "no sacrifice for the euroe has a point if it leads outside the EU and jeopardizes the sacrifices that the Greek people have done so far, as well as the prospects of improvement and social facts that stand before us after the recent successes". Members of the government state that until the 25th of May it will be clear that "greek people will choose between stability, exit from the crisis and growth that the continuation of the government reassures and the adventure with an unknown destination that SYRIZA would put the country on a collision course with".
The battle of negative propaganda will culminate in the weeks remaining. "SYRIZA and Tsipras go to European elections in an attempt to destabilize the national economy, to destroy society and to depreciate the sacrifices of the Greeks", was the statement of the government representative last Friday. Antonis Samaras had reiterated anyway that, "SYRIZA has invested in the destruction of the country and now that reality falsifies their claims, they react with pettiness and degrades the successes of the government and the people as a whole".
The battle will be judged on a communicational field more than anything and taking advantage of each others' mistakes since the "ammunition" of both have long ago run out. Maximou has pretty much secured but discharged the "ammo" of the positive fiscal goings-on since January in an attempt to keep the poll difference short and to cover the Baltakos case. SYRIZA, after confusion and vacillations reached its main slogan again "no sacrifice for the euro", which is a changed 2012 motto "the euro is not a fetish". In an attempt to cover its own tail from the Sabiha MEP candidate case, they once more recruited historical member Manolis Glezos to dispel impressions that the ethno-nihilistic wing has not won over the party just yet.
The government team has already unleashed its attack claiming that "no sacrifice for the euroe has a point if it leads outside the EU and jeopardizes the sacrifices that the Greek people have done so far, as well as the prospects of improvement and social facts that stand before us after the recent successes". Members of the government state that until the 25th of May it will be clear that "greek people will choose between stability, exit from the crisis and growth that the continuation of the government reassures and the adventure with an unknown destination that SYRIZA would put the country on a collision course with".
The battle of negative propaganda will culminate in the weeks remaining. "SYRIZA and Tsipras go to European elections in an attempt to destabilize the national economy, to destroy society and to depreciate the sacrifices of the Greeks", was the statement of the government representative last Friday. Antonis Samaras had reiterated anyway that, "SYRIZA has invested in the destruction of the country and now that reality falsifies their claims, they react with pettiness and degrades the successes of the government and the people as a whole".
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