Banks and privatizations on Samaras’ agenda
Banks and privatizations on Samaras’ agenda
The agreement of the three heads on the issue of layoffs in the public sector paves the way for completing the negotiations with troika.

The agreement of the three heads on the issue of layoffs in the public sector paves the way for completing the negotiations with troika.
The Greek government believes that in the next few days the deal will close. The difficult negotiation affects relations between the three government partners with DIMAR president Fotis Kouvelis coming out scratched as he was forced to retreat regarding the hike and layoffs. The PASOK president raises the issue of redefining the program agreement and the negotiating tactics.
PM Antonis Samaras rejects any debate on a new programming agreement. By the end of April they will have to close the recapitalization of banks and obtain the necessary private funds to avoid the National Bank’s inclusion in the EFSF. By the end of the month they will also have to close the privatization of OPAP and DEPA/DESFA that creates expectations for improvement in the economic climate but encounters obstacles in the background processes.
The agenda, however, includes the issue of reshuffling as asked by PASOK president Venizelos. Samaras does not hide his dissatisfaction with several of the members of the government who with their negligence made the troika negotiation even more difficult. However, a possible reshuffle creates more problems than it solves. It is not certain that the PM wants to see Venizelos and PASOK members in leading ministries asserting a role in the government planning. Furthermore, in June the Greek government will have to face a new troika audit, which is certain to include additional measures if the current economic data have not improved. And then there is always the issue of Administrative Reform minister Antonis Manitakis who does not seem willing to be charged with the thousands of layoffs of public employees.
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