Police officers on leave are being recalled in the fear of renewed yoghurt throwing!

Police officers on leave are being recalled in the fear of renewed yoghurt throwing!

Greek Police will be on red alert during the three-day March 25th holiday, as they are afraid of attacks and yoghurt throwing at politicians who will attend several events

Police officers on leave are being recalled in the fear of renewed yoghurt throwing!
Greek Police will be on red alert during the three-day March 25th holiday, as they are afraid of attacks and yoghurt throwing at politicians who will attend several events

Recent cases, culminating in the yoghurt throwing at Pagalos in Keratea, have upset police officials, who have devised a plan of operations for areas or events that the politicians are likely to attend, in order to avoid any incidents.

And this is why many leaves of officers that are in relevant services or departments of areas where celebration events will take place, have been revoked.

«Our informations states that very few politicians will attend the events. However, we must be prepared. We have given clear orders to specific Departments for the organization of action plans. Similar incidents to the one in Keratea, where MAT platoons were guarding the vice president of the government so that he could eat his souvlaki, must not happen again».

The incident in Keratea is the reason why the police have set up a whole plan of operations in view of the events for the celebration of the 25th of March.

As they say, similar episodes to that in Keratea must not reoccur, let alone wilder incidents, like the brutal beating of the ND congressman, Kostis Hadjidakis, outside the «Grande Bretagne» hotel on the day of the big ADEDY and GESEE rally.
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