Christmas with rain and strong south winds

Christmas with rain and strong south winds

Slight cloud for the entire country on Christmas Eve

Christmas with rain and strong south winds
For Thursday, mild weather is predicted for western Greece. Temporary local cloud in the east with a chance of rain, but also a lot of sunshine. During the morning, visibility will be limited. Ionian winds will be southeastern at 5-6b, gradually rising to 7-8. In the Aegean, winds will be southerly, 3-4b and locally 5 in the east. Same temperature levels.  

On Friday (Christmas Eve)
slight cloud is predicted for the entire country, which gradually, and from the west, will produce some local rain that will grow into storms. These phenomena will develop in the rest of the mainland by night time. Ionian winds will be northeastern 7-8b and will turn northwestern in the evening and slightly decrease. Aegean winds will be southeastern 6-7 and late locally 8b. Low temperature will increase slightly.

Saturday (Christmas day)
will see some local rain and sporadic storms in western and northern Greece and the eastern Aegean. Some snowfall will develop in the northern mountain region. The rest of the country will have local cloud with chances of rain. Ionian winds will be southwestern 5-7 and 7 in the open sea, gradually decreasing. Southerly winds will blow in the Aegean, 5-6 and 7-8 in the morning mainly in the west, but these too will gradually decrease. The temperature will drop in the west, mainland and north.

Sparse cloud is expected on
Sunday, with local rain and possibly sporadicstorms in the west and in the eastern and southern Aegean, while the rest of the country might see some temporary local rain. Temporary slight snowfall might develop in the mountain region of the north. Ionian winds will be western-northwestern 3-4b and locally 5, later turning to northwestern. Aegean winds will be western-northwestern 3-4 and locally 5b. The temperature will drop slightly in the south and the east.

On Monday, in eastern and southern Greece some sporadic rain is expected in the eastern Aegean with possible temporary storms, while light snowfall might occur in the northeastern mountain region. Sparce cloud is expected for the rest of the country. Western-northwestern winds will blow in the Ionian, 3-4 and locally 5b in the south. Aegean winds will be western-southwestern, 3-4 and locally 5b in the south. No remarkable change in  temperature.
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