Governement vouches for Louka Katseli
The Labour Minister was backed by the Government concerning her article in a Sunday newspaper through the Government spokesman Mr. Petalotis, when he quoted that Mrs Katseli, as well as all other members of the Government, are completely trusted by the Prime Minister.

The Labour Minister was backed by the Government concerning her article in a Sunday newspaper through the Government spokesman Mr. Petalotis, when he quoted that Mrs Katseli, as well as all other members of the Government, are completely trusted by the Prime Minister.
Mr. Petalotis also stated that the Governement is acting collectively and the days ahead are going to be very busy, but trying to find a common ground with the Troika “has proven fruitful if only in terms of looking at the goals we are achieving”.
Furthermore, Mr. Petalotis said the article’s main body had very little to do with the headline given by the newspaper. Also, when asked on the time chosen for the article to get published, as well as to whether the PM’s office was aware of it, he stated that “we do not have time to ponder on such trivial matters, when we are working towards important issues for the country”.
When asked as to whether the Troika had complained about the article, he answered no directly.
He also said there is no question as to whether the country will go bankrupt, it won’t and there won’t be any more pay cuts or dismissals in Public Organisations, and also assured they will not allow companies and businesses to go bankrupt by changing the terms of national employee contracts.
”Employee-Employer relations are very important and they were included in the agreement (with the Troika) from the start . It was agreed that these relations won’t be disrupted; all of the above is included in the Memorandum and we are now negotiating the ways of implementing it and we wont by re-negotiating these relations”, highlighting that Mrs Katseli is also in agreement with such views.
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