New Democracy leading polls for national elections

New Democracy leading polls for national elections

Alco's gallup for PROTO THEMA newspaper

New Democracy leading polls for national elections
Dynamic prevelance of the New Democracy party in the next parliamentary elections, despite the margine edge of 0.5% by SYRIZA in voting intentions for European elections is recorded in a new poll by "ALCO" for "PROTO THEMA" newspaper.

The largest government party gains way with 0.7% in voting intentions for national elections while in the same survey, conducted between the 23rd and 25th of April on a sample of 1000 voters, the support of PM Antonis Samaras is reinforced against Alexis Tsipras.

SYRIZA, despite increasing its rallying of its following, from 64% to 69%, remains confined at rates refraining from the electoral "Explosion" it presented during the previous parliamentary elections.

Voting intentions for national elections are as follows:
ND: 22.2%
SYRIZA: 21.5%
Golden Dawn: 6.7%
POTAMI: 5.3%
Elia: 4.9%
Communist Party: 4.7%
Independent Greeks: 3.6%
DemLeft: 2.5%
EPAL: 1%
Other: 5.2%
Null: 2.4%
Abstention: 4.5%
Undecided: 15.5%.

For european elections, the poll says the following:

SYRIZA: 22.3%
POTAMI: 7.2%
Golden Dawn: 7%
Communist Party: 5%
Elia 4.8%
IndGreeks: 3.4%
DemLeft: 2.2%
EPAL: 1.1%
LAOS: 0.5%
Ecologists: 0.9%
National Front: 0.7%
Other: 2.4%
Null: 3.3%
Abstention: 5.2%
Undecided: 11.3%.

32% of people trust Antonis Samaras as PM, compared to 20% of Alexis Tsipras. However, 45% say they do not trust anyone, 29% felt that economic developments lately vindicate Antonis Samaras, 21% Alexis Tsipras and 50% state they do not know.
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