Attack on members of the German delegation
Attack on members of the German delegation
The local government employees who complain about the new measures, under which employees of secondary education in the administrative industry with contracts...
The local government employees who complain about the new measures, under which employees of secondary education in the administrative industry with contracts of indefinite duration are suspended, managed to reach the conference center "Nikolaos Germanos" at the Thessaloniki International Fair, where the third Hellenic-German Assembly will take place.
A chase between police and the workers had preceded, as they were denied entry to the exhibition, but the protesters finally managed to reach the venue area. They attacked the German consul, who finally entered the building from another entrance, as well as members of the German delegation.
"The protests will continue, so as not to pass the measures", POE-OTA president Themis Valasopoulos, who is present at the rally, said.
Fuchtel is also expected at the Assembly, as he arrived in Thessaloniki yesterday and said that "the work of Local Government needs 3,000 workers in Greece, while in Germany the work is carried out by 1,000 people", which is what started the protests. The redundancy is for employees working in ministries, government departments in the regions and local government bodies.
Members of the governing parties have to face the reaction of many municipalities in the country following the decision of Administrative Reform minister Antonis Manitakis to include the employees of municipalities in the redundancy program. According to information on, several mayors from across the country have communicated with parliamentarians and politicians, expressing their refusal to send a list of names with employees who will get suspended.
The employees that will be placed in redundancy largely derive from the municipalities and the promotion of the program depends on the cooperation of mayors and the regional council. However, the ministry of Administrative Reform points out that if there are any delays in sending these lists, then the cuts will be made retroactively.
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