El. Kasidiaris: "I will sue Liana Kanelli"
El. Kasidiaris: "I will sue Liana Kanelli"
“Liana Kanelli hit me first and I defended myself, and so I will sue her. If the video is not shown from the beginning, I will present...

“Liana Kanellis hit me first and I defended myself, and so I will sue her. If the video is not shown from the beginning, I will bring a lawsuit against ANT1”, is the first public comment by the spokesman of the Golden Dawn party, Elias Kasidiaris, against whom an arrest warrant is pending on the act of committing a crime of unprovoked physical endangerment against parliamentary candidate of the Communist Party Liana Kanelli.
However, reports state that Elias Kasidiaris is not prepared to appear before Justice during the in flagrante process.
However, reports state that Elias Kasidiaris is not prepared to appear before Justice during the in flagrante process.
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