Mild weather for Wednesday
Mild weather for Wednesday
Weather: mild. Winds: southern 3-5B, turning to northwestern at night. Temperature: 13-26C.

Weather: mild.
Winds: southern 3-5B, turning to northwestern at night.
Temperature: 13-26C.
Weather: generally mild with cloudy skies in the surrounding mountains during midday and afternoon.
Winds: southern-southeastern 3-4, turning to northwestern at night.
Temperature: 10-26C.
Macedonia and Thrace
Weather: generally mild with overcast skies at midday and afternoon, mainly in the mountain regions.
Winds: variable 3-5B.
Temperature: 8-26C.
Ionian, Epirus, the western mainland and western Peloponnisos
Weather: mild with cloudy skies, mainly on the mountains of Epirus.
Winds: variable 3-5B.
Temperature: 11-25C.
Thessaly, the eastern mainland, Evia and eastern Peloponnisos
Weather: generally mild, overcast on the northern mountains during midday and afternoon.
Winds: southern-southwestern 3-6B.
Temperature: 11-26C.
Cyclades and Crete
Weather: mild.
Winds: southern-southwestern 3-6B.
Temperature: 14-24C, 3 more in northern Crete.
Dodecanese and eastern Aegean
Weather: mild.
Winds: southern 4-6B.
Temperature: 12-24C.
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