Retroactive deductions on wages of civil servants
The retroactive withholding of wages for the reductions under the single pay scale for civil servants that have not yet been placed in the new wage system, will start from the April payroll....
The reductions are for the payroll from November 1, 2011 and will be deducted from the wages of the next months up to and including June.
Along with the reductions in main and supplementary pensions, the bill provides for cuts in categories of public spending to achieve the goal of this year's budget. Specifically, it provides for the following cuts:
- 200 million from the 15% reduction of operating expenses in ministries (except the Ministry of National Defence)
- 400 million from the reduction of costs in Ministry of National Defence
- 93 million from the reduction of costs in the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity
- 25 million from the reduction in subsidies by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
- 86 million from the reduction of costs in the Ministry of Rural Development
- 80 million from the reduction of costs in the Ministry of Education
- 129 million from the reduction of costs in the Ministry of Interior
- 66 million from the reduction of costs in the Ministry of Finance for state pensions
- 537 million from the reduction of costs in the Ministry of Health and Social Security
- 205 million from the reduction of special payrolls
- 400 million from the reduction in the public investment program
- 386 million from the reduction in main and supplementary pensions
- 576 million from the reduction of pharmaceutical costs
The bill provides that the solidarity fee on the 2011 income will be paid through the settlement of the income tax of the same year. It will be included in the tax clearance statements submitted to the IRS this year. It also provides for a one-off reduction to 500 euros of the special compensation for conducting elections received by employees at the ministries of Interior, Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, the Decentralised Administrations and Regions. There will also be a 10% reduction in the compensation of mayors and regional directors.
Lastly, the amounts of the special property tax collected by the PPC and alternative power providers will be paid to the state within 10 months after their collection, while there is also a merger provision for a series of research institutions supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education to limit them to 31.
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