Athens will remain taxi-less on Thursday as well
Athens will remain taxi-less on Thursday as well
After the unproductive meeting of SATA president Thymios Lymperopoulos with the general secretary of the transport ministry, taxi drivers have decided to continue their protests on Thursday as well

After the unproductive meeting of SATA president Thymios Lymperopoulos
with the general secretary of the transport ministry, taxi drivers have
decided to continue their protests on Thursday as well, true to their fight against Ragousis. All other means of transport will operate normally.
Please note that after the meeting, Lymperopoulos said that if the government makes a decision without informing them, it will have to pass over 50.000 dead bodies. He also stressed that motorists will be present in all the protests.
The new meeting of taxi drivers is programmed for Thursday at 5pm outside the SATA offices, where they will start their march towards parliament.
Please note that after the meeting, Lymperopoulos said that if the government makes a decision without informing them, it will have to pass over 50.000 dead bodies. He also stressed that motorists will be present in all the protests.
The new meeting of taxi drivers is programmed for Thursday at 5pm outside the SATA offices, where they will start their march towards parliament.
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