Everyone's fault but Akis'

Everyone's fault but Akis'

Former minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos seems to have "uncovered" a conspiracy against him...

Everyone's fault but Akis'
Former minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos seems to have uncovered a conspiracy against him, believing that both PASOK and ND have predetermined to refer him to a committee for the submarines scandal.

Trying to fight back, he has spoken before the preliminary investigation committee members, indirectly blaming old comrades as well as the current Prime Minister, George Papandreou.

Reportedly, the former minister said that “PASOK and New Democracy have preagreed to indict me to justice before they even hear me, and acquit all others”, while he reiterated that all members of KYSEA who decided upon the implementation of the original contract should testify before the committee.

At this point, the former minister even said “PM Giorgos Papandreou was also a member of KYSEA at the time, who might have been absent from that meeting but had read the file and raised no objection”.

In addition, Mr. Tsohatzopoulos let loose clear insinuations on the practice to limit the investigation only to himself and added that “the investigation should include all the people who received and amended the contract to begin with, which was the primary order of the prosecutor”.

Moreover, the former minister claimed that all his real estate properties have been acquired legally. The evidence hearing of Mr. Tsohatzopoulos began at 14:30 and ended shortly before 20:00.

Please note that the committee members will meet on Friday to decide on the final outcome to be presented on Monday 06/06/2011.
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