Americans in Crete - Libyan situation worsens
The United States are increasing pressure on Gaddafi. At the sea borders of Libya there are war ships from nine countries, including the Greek Psarra.
The United States are increasing pressure on Gaddafi. At the sea borders of Libya there are war ships from nine countries, including the Greek Psarra.
Although there are very few Greeks left in Libya, mostly CEOs of companies who have willingly stayed, the Greek ship is still at the marine area bordering Libya, and according to the Pentagon that is because Greek interests must be protected and that includes merchanτ ships, neighbouring conditions etc. In Crete the ship Hydra and the support ship “Αliakmon” are on standby in case the Greek ships need supplies.
At least six big ships of the American fleet are going to settle in the US naval base in Marathi, transporting thousands of marines. Washington has asked for a diplomatic permit for their ships and the Greek governement has given approval.
The helicopter carrier Kearsarge, which can transport more than 2,000 marines, and the ship and water operations carrier Ponce, which has 500 marines on it, will arrive on the 4th of March . The ships are heading towards Crete.
No one can know as of yet whether the USA is ready to start operations against Gaddafi. It could be just psychological pressure to make the Libyan leader realize that he needs to take the warnings of the international community seriously.
On the 6th of March more ships carrying fighter jets will arrive. There is a chance that is being discussed by the international community for the creation of a «no-fly zone». But Moscow and Paris do not agree, stating that for the time being the fines and warnings are enough, implying however that they will agree to anything the Security Council decides.
The Libyan guerillas are asking for a no-fly zone in order for all Gaddafi bombing planes and helicopters to stay on the ground.
If the international community decided upon the no-fly zone that would clearly be an action against Gaddafi,since military airforces from the international community would have to apply the rule of a “no-fly” zone and shoot down any planes that do not comply. In such a case Italy and Greece would take on this role.
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