Bhasha Mukherjee: Η καλλονή από την Ινδία με IQ 146 βάζει πλώρη για «Μις Κόσμος»

Κέρδισε τα καλλιστεία στην Αγγλία, έχει δύο πτυχία στην ιατρική, μιλάει πέντε γλώσσες, κατέχει «βραβείο Άινσταϊν» και ασχολείται με τη φιλανθρωπία

Η ομορφιά της Bhasha Mukherjee είναι κάτι παραπάνω από ακαταμάχητη. Η μελαχρινή καλλονή από την Ινδία είναι το new entry στο χώρο της παγκόσμιας ομορφιάς καθώς εκτός από την εντυπωσιακή εμφάνιση διαθέτει εξυπνάδα σε βαθμό ιδιοφυίας καθώς το IQ της φτάνει το 146 πολύ πάνω, δηλαδή, από το συνηθισμένο μέσο όρο.

Η πανέμορφη Bhasha γεννήθηκε στην Ινδία και στα 9 της χρόνια μετακόμισε στην Αγγλία. Έχει δύο πτυχία ιατρικής, μιλά 5 γλώσσες, βγήκε «Μις Αγγλία» και ετοιμάζεται για το διαγωνισμό Μις Κόσμος. «Είμαι υπερήφανη για την καταγωγή μου αλλά είμαι εξίσου υπερήφανη που θα εκπροσωπώ την Αγγλία», είπε η 23χρονη για τη συμμετοχή της στο διαγωνισμό.

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I love these two pictures. The first is with a little child and the second is with my teacher from year 7. Children are like molten lava, a formidable force that can be moulded into tough rocks that eventually make up the foundation of humanity on this planet. Teachers are the moulds that set these rocks... Teachers that in a day deal with upto 150 little dollops of molten lava, some naughty some back chatters some absolutely and utterly annoying like MYSELF! In my years as a student I saw the wear and tear my teachers went through, most of them were parents themselves but aside from parenting their own children they had chosen a profession that meant they would parent 150 other little brats along with their own. Teachers are hero's of our society but we are all teachers in our own way. Everyday we are influencing someone younger than us , someone impressionable. Just when we think our actions are inconsequential we have to consider who might be watching and who we maybe quietly influencing. I am so delighted that the love that my teachers gave me and with that the gift of knowledge , I get to pass on to many many children in my campaign for @diabetesuk this year. Stay blessed. #beautywithapurpose Pc @aryavisuals Dress : @puneetbhandal Mua @kellytaylor507 @the_gbp @mauritius.tourism @missenglandnews

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Δεν τελειώνουν όλα στην ομορφιά
«Κάποιοι άνθρωποι πιστεύουν ότι τα κορίτσια στα καλλιστεία είναι ελαφρόμυαλες, αλλά όλες αγωνιζόμαστε για ένα σκοπό. Όλες προσπαθούμε να αποδείξουμε στον κόσμο ότι δεν τελειώνουν όλα στην ομορφιά. Στην πραγματικότητα προσπαθούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε τη δημοφιλία μας και την επιρροή μας για να κάνουμε κάτι καλό», τόνισε η νεαρή γιατρός μετά τη νίκη της.
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Same outfit, same performance , same passion but totally different audiences and platform. What I am trying to say Is that your platform maybe someone's living room , among an audience 10 elderly folks or the miss England stage with a high profile guest list of hundred, it's not your stage that defines you it's your performance. In all these years when I kept going with the generation Bridge project @the_gbp , people very close to me said it's pointless, the impact of my cause was minischule. It's so easy for the world to convince us that our actions as individuals are negligible. It is this belief among masses that has amounted to the phenomenon that is global warming. It is also this very same belief that we as individuals are too can never make a real difference , that results in the majority of us living a life of mediocrity. It's the fear of mediocrity and failure that forces us down. We are too afraid to be passionate and go through the small steps to reach the larger goal. Everyone would rather support an established big company or charity than do their own little bit. Do you think the likes of cancer research and British heart Foundation just one day started as a massive big foundation ? No they started small also. And even today to sustain the cause it's the effort of each small shop, each donation and each buy that keeps these foundations going. My point is , there will be people deterring you from chasing a large goal saying it's too big to achieve , the very same people will also rebuke the small steps you take towards it, but every small step counts and if you walk in the direction of a specific destination, today or tomorrow you will reach there. Everyone has a different pace and different obstacles along the path... That is the only confounder. Besides this all I would say is KEEP WALKING, YOU'LL GET THERE. Photo : @aryavisuals @gainfordgroup @missenglandnews

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Σύμφωνα με την νέα Μις Αγγλία, η καριέρα της στα καλλιστεία ξεκίνησε ενώ ακόμη σπούδαζε στην ιατρική σχολή, αλλά απ’ ό,τι φαίνεται αυτοί οι διαγωνισμοί δεν επηρέασαν τις απαιτητικές σπουδές. Πλέον κατέχει όχι ένα αλλά δύο πτυχία: στις ιατρικές επιστήμες και τη χειρουργική από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Νότινγχαμ.
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Firstly, sorry for being late for this thank you post. Ofcourse it's been a whirlwind of a weekend, overnight my life has turned upside down (in a good way) since the finals of #MissEngland2019. My first thank you would be the entire #Britasian fashion and entertainment industry - an industry where Indians Pakistanis Bangladeshis all work in perfect harmony, proof of the fact that given the right circumstances peace and love can be attained among even those that otherwise supposedly don't get along. I would like to thank ofcourse my teachers and my wonderful family who saw me as their star even before I was anywhere close to my goal. Sam Sayeed , @afofme who was insistent for 1 year and half to convince me to take part in the pageant #asianfaceofmissengland which I won! @angeladawn63 @missenglandnews for having the faith in me throughout that I had the potential to get far. @joggy_kang_official, my sponsor, who on the day of the finals drove 4 hours each way just to get us ready, @puneetbhandal who was there in heart and soul with me, texting and checking on me every hour during the pageant. My room mate @urvi_mayor , you saw me at my LOWEST point during the two days and you with your generous kindness were soooo selfless in giving me support, I couldn't have survived without you ! All the numerous beautiful souls as pageant sisters I met at the pageant, @domenique.fragale the lady with a voice you cannot not ignore ,@niamhkirk such a ball of joy, @mariam9426 you gave me the hug I needed sooo badly back stage, @atlantawilsher8 such a positive soul @brooketatchell my baby and partner who I might aswell adopt ! So so many lovely beautiful ladies urgh I could hug you all ! Such a tough competition each and everyone of you gave ! @stephaniejaynehill, @carina_tyrrell_official and @natashahmusic my inspirations ! All the people who donated even as close to the very last day ! @sobharth @faryal_jan @medicalcosmetics you guys have had faith in me since I was a nobody! And soo many more , you all showed me sooo much love and support ! I love you all. Miss England 2019 - Dr Bhasha Mukherjee

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Εξάλλου, όπως αναφέρει το, η 23χρονη πρόκειται για μια ιδιοφυία με IQ στο 146, που κέρδισε το «Βραβείο Αϊνστάιν» για την εξυπνότερη μαθήτρια στην τάξη της, ενώ συγκέντρωσε και την υψηλότερη βαθμολογία στις εισαγωγικές εξετάσεις σε ολόκληρο το σχολείο της.
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My second hairstyle I created for the #Missbeautifulhair entry for #missengland2019 @missenglandnews This round is sponsored by @stages_hair_design I'd like to thank my wonderful sponsors @joggy_kang_official, Bollywood Celebrity mua , for allowing for me to have this opportunity, as well as @puneetbhandal, leading pageant, party and bridal wear designer ! Thank you @afofme for giving me the title of #MissAsianFaceofMissengland and #misstopmodelbeauty2018 My skin sponsors are @medicalcosmetics and my contact lenses are from @ttd_eye (check bio for discount code) #pageant #pageantgirl #missenglandfinalist #model #medic #hairtutorials #hairstyle #aquanorhydrofacial #ttd_eye #ttdeyeofficial #ttdeye #retrohair #fingerwave #greatgatzby #cancangirls #showgirl #1920sfashion

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Αξίζει να σημειώσουμε, άλλωστε, πως πέρα από την ιατρική και την ομορφιά η πανέμορφη 23χρονη ασχολείται και με τη φιλανθρωπία. Συγκεκριμένα, μέσω του φιλανθρωπικού της πρότζεκτ «The Generation Bridge Project» στηρίζει μοναχικούς ηλικιωμένους.
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Mua : @lipamakeup Wardrobe : @artofliza Pc: @aishasiddikaphotography

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